Prescription Foot Orthotics

Your foot is a very complex structure, containing 28 bones joined by ligaments, tendons and muscles. When properly functioning, those structures allow the foot to absorb shock and propel the body. You can walk, run, jump and climb over hard, soft or uneven surfaces without difficulty. The aging process, physical stressors and injury can produce misalignment of the foot's bones and soft tissues, causing impaired foot function. The body attempts to compensate for those problems by changing the function of the other structures, such as knees, hips and spine. The result may be pain, stress and weakness in the feet and throughout the lower musculoskeletal system. Also, certain disease processes, like diabetes, can affect foot function.

"Biomechanics", the study of the principals of mechanics applied to human structure and motion, has enabled physicians to assess foot function and gait with greater scientific and diagnostic accuracy. Biomechanical foot orthoses are corrective devices that can be designed to improve specific foot and ankle problems. Following a biomechanical evaluation by Dr. Roberts, cast impressions of your feet were sent to a laboratory for orthosis fabrication. The resulting prescription devices, made from those impressions, were crafted to precisely control and correct your specific foot function and gait problem.